FreeBSD motion with few camera

Foscam FI9828P+V2, Camera outdoor

Foscam FI9821W-v2, camera indoor

WansView model W4, Camera 1080P

WansView model W2, Camera 1080P (sortie motion, exemple jardin)

Yoluke 5MP 20x Zoom Optique, Audio Bidirectionnel (sortie motion, exemple parking)


record video MP4 with audio in case of motion:

DHMSF=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
# ffmpeg record 4 minutes video high resolution,
# transcode audio (pcm_alaw) because pcm_alaw is not supported in .mp4
# NOTE: need to use tcp transport because ffmpeg drop frame with HD camera @12fps :(
# no drop frame with VLC but ugly commande line syntax (and pb with end time)
/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel quiet -stats -y \
-rtsp_transport tcp -rtbufsize 3000k -i rtsp:// -c:a aac \
-vcodec copy -t 240 -movflags +faststart "$DIR/.parking-$DHMSF-ffmpeg.mp4" &